February ’25
Director’s Desk
Dear Parents,
February may be the shortest month, but it is also the busiest. With Valentine’s Day, two president’s birthdays, and Ground Hog Day, February always promises excitement. Every class will devote some time to these celebrations.
Sincerely, Leigh
We all want our children to stay healthy during the winter season. Sending children who might be ill to school decreases everyone’s chances for a positive day. A sick child belongs at home. Sore throats, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea are excellent reasons to keep your child at home. Children sent to school with these symptoms will be promptly sent home. If we send a child home, they will need to be home at least 36 hours unless your pediatrician states they are safe to return to school. When they return, they must be symptom free. Please try to be as considerate as you can.
• Label coats and sweaters. Our lost and found is filling up again.
• Hold your children’s hand in the parking lot and walk them in rather than watching them walk to the building unattended.
• Date your child’s lunch box each day. Update your addresses, phone numbers, and emergency contact information if they have changed.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Valentine’s Day with its messages of love and friendship is special to children and Beach Manor School. Each class exchanges valentines and has a party for Valentine’s Day. On February 14th (or 13th) please send in valentines for each student in your child’s class, and we’ll take care of the rest. The teachers have requested that you NOT “address” the valentines–just sign them with your child’s name. This way the children can easily pass them out. Your child’s teacher will let you know your party day/date.
Registration for next year is going well and several classes are already full. Thank you for all the positive feedback!! It is satisfying to know that so many of you are pleased with Beach Manor’s program.
It’s Tax season!
Tax information is available on Brightwheel.
TAX ID NUMBER 87.3731398
What we are learning
Ms. Sammy and Ms. Kendall, our pillars of patience will introduce the many adventures of Pete the Cat. These best-selling picture books present the wiry Pete with his white shoes and eclectic friends showing that it’s cool to be you. With boundless poise, creativity, and energy, our MDO ladies do an exceptional job with her charges. With easel painting, sponge, and spin art not to mention our backed papers this is a grand time for our youngest.
The three-year old’s wave good-bye to the Farm and turn their focus to one of their favorite topics—food! They learn about nutrition and become expert dietitians. Our goal is to help the children learn about “good” foods and their source. This unit involves quite a bit of cooking and sampling with each food group. They will make bread, taste meatballs and fish sticks, enjoy some fruit and vegetables, and finish the month with a delicious Nutrition Party. It’s a terrific (and fattening) month for the threes,
The four-year old’s are in for a treat this month because it’s BEAR MONTH! From Corduroy, Pooh and Paddington to pandas and polar bears, they investigate bears, their habits, and their habitats.
Ms. Diane’s class are digging out from their snowbank. After they turn in their meteorologists’ badges, PreK will cover the hodgepodge of February: Ground Hog Day, Lincoln and Washington’s birthdays, Valentine’s Day, and Chinese New Year. It’s a great time for the children to learn a bit about our country’s history, the Pledge of Allegiance and those anecdotes about George and Abe. Busy!
The kindergarten classes will study Dr. Seuss and his zany characters. The Cat in the Hat and all his friends–Thigwick, Bartholomew Cubbins, Horton, and Yertle become our vehicles for learning. Rhymes, math, crafts, and songs all focus on Seuss themes during these winter days. It all ends with the notorious breakfast a Beach Manor featuring Green Eggs and Ham (of course!). The children have a grand time with all of this while an incredible amount of learning takes place.
Spanish, Ms. Maria will continue to review La Famailia, Los Coloers y numeros. They will also learn to identify body parts and put them into practice every day. Don’t be surprised if you hear your little ones saying Estos son mis ojos “These are eyes”.
Save the Date
- February 6-7: Lion’s club eye screening (free screening)
- February 17: President’s Day SCHOOL CLOSED.
- March 25 – 26: Spring Pictures
- April 2 – 3: Spring Programs
- April 14 – 18: Spring break SCHOOL CLOSED.
- May 20: Conference day- open for ALL DAY students only
- May 26: Memorial Day SCHOOL CLOSED.
- June 12: Kindergarten Graduation
- June 13: Last Day of School
- June 23 – August 15: Summer camp