February ’25
Director’s Desk
Hello February!
After the long January of cold weather and snow, it surely feels like we are in the full swing of winter! Love and learning are in the air in all of our classrooms this month! All classes will celebrate Valentine’s Day with heart-filled parties and Valentine exchanges with classmates.
Registration is going wonderfully for the upcoming school year! If you plan on returning, please keep in mind that registration will open for anyone not currently enrolled at our school February 3rd. We look forward to another month of learning with all your sweet children!
Best, Kristine
Love is in the Air!
Our students are excited to celebrate Valentine’s Day! We kindly ask you to send in cards for each student, but there’s no need to address them individually. Let’s spread love and joy throughout our classroom with a fun Valentine exchange. It’s a wonderful way to create special memories and share kindness with one another. Your participation and generosity are truly appreciated as we come together to celebrate this day of love. Thank you for being a part of our Valentine’s Day celebration!
Ms. Ariella – 10
Ms. Yanira – 10
Ms. Kristina – 14
Ms. Niki – 14
Ms. Mari – 13
Ms. Sara – 10
Ms. Anna – 15
Ms. Brittney – 10
Ms. Sandra – 15
Summer Registration
Be on the lookout for our 2025 summer registration forms. A hard copy will be sent home in your child’s folder and an online form will be available on our website. Be sure to return them quickly as spaces fill fast!
Vision Screenings
Please send in your Lion’s Club vision screening permission slip as soon as possible if you would like to have them screened. Screenings will take place on February 10th & 11th during class time.
Carline Reminders
Please make sure you are lining up no early than 8:20am. Its hard for staff to get into the parking lot and our before school parents to get out before carline begins NO passing vehicles once we start unloading children. This is to keep everyone safe! Please be patient.
We are always appreciative of any classroom supplies! Here are some suggestions for those interested:
Colored Pencils | Crayons | Markers
BMS TAX ID # 8 7 – 3 7 5 8 3 8 4
2024 tax statements are available in your Brightwheel account. Log in to your account and you will see your ‘family 2024 tax statement’.
Little Ceasars
We are entering the final few days of our Little Caesars fundraiser. There is still time to place your order for your pizza kit. Pizza kits are shipped directly to your home and make for a fun evening activity.
What we are learning
2’s – The world of color is introduced to our twos through easel & sponge painting, spin art and continued backed papers. This is a grand time for our youngest Bellamy children!
3’s – Our threes will begin the month of February with our community helper’s unit. The teachers introduce their classes to all the helpers in their community. We try to have doctors, nurses, firemen, policemen, dentists, crossing guard and any other community helpers come visit our classes. If any parents can provide any expertise in the area, please let us know. We would love to have you come visit our threes!
4’s – The fours have packed up Beatrix Potter and will not take an in-depth look at nature by studying birds. By the end of this unit, the four-year-olds will be able to identify close to twenty-five different species of birds. The unit ends with a large bird party!
PRK – Ms. Sandra’s class will take an in depth look in February at our Presidents. They will take a look at our country’s history, the pledge of allegiance, currency and the anecdotes of George and Abe! The unit ends at the end of the month with a Presidential Ball.
Kindergarten – The kindergarteners will take a trip around the world as they learn all about children in different countries. The emphasis of study will focus on the dress, food, homes and customs of countries in Europe, Africa and Asia. If any of you have traveled and can share pictures or items with the class, please let us know!
Save the Date
- February 10-11th – Lions Club Vision Screening
- February 17th – School Closed
- March 18-20th – Spring Pictures – Individuals and Class
- April 9th – Spring Show [10AM] Ms. Kristina, Ms. Niki, Ms. Mari,
and Ms. Sandra - April 10th – Spring Show [10AM] Ms. Sara, Ms. Anna, Ms. Brittney, and Ms. Hobbs
- April 14 – 18 – School Closed – Spring Break
- May 20th – Conference Day – school open for 7am – 6pm students only
- May 26th – School Closed – Memorial Day
- June 6th – Kindergarten Graduation
- June 13th – Last day of the school year
- May 26th – School Closed – Memorial Day
- June 6th – Kindergarten Graduation
- June 13th – Last day of the school year