
Broad Bay Manor School Newsletter February ’25

February ’25
Director’s Desk

February may be the shortest month, but it is also the busiest.  With Valentine’s Day, two president’s birthdays, and Ground Hog Day, February always promises excitement! 

Registration for next year is going great!  It is satisfying to know so many of you are pleased with BBMS’s program. I want to thank you all for your support within our community! I can’t tell you how many times we get new families looking at Broad Bay Manor after getting referrals from current parents.  Hearing this makes my heart happy.  BBMS is feeling the love to have such supportive and involved families!

Best regards, 

Betsey Cremin

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day, with its message of love and friendship, is special to children and to BBMS.  Each class exchanges valentines and has a party.  Enclosed is a list with the number of children in each class.  Please send in valentines for each student in your child’s class, and we’ll take care of the rest.  The teachers have requested that you NOT “address” the valentines–just sign them with your child’s name.  This way the children can easily pass them out.  Remember, we are a nut free school.  Any food items should be unopened in store bought packaging.


  • Please complete enrollment forms and parent agreements for the 2025-2026 school year. All forms can be found on Brightwheel. 
  • Please remember to bring a warm coat, hat and gloves for cold days, we will continue to go outside to play. 
  • Be sure to check Brightwheel for any school closings or delays.  You will also get a message as soon as a decision is made.  We typically follow the public school’s closings initially.  We try our best to keep children, parents, and our staff safe during these times.
  • Sick Policy:  Parents will keep student home if student is showing signs of sickness such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or other symptoms that may indicate the child is ill. Students with a fever (100.4 or higher) may not return to school until 36 hours fever free without a fever reducing medication. The school will notify parents if child becomes sick or unwell at school.

Little Caesars Pizza Kit Fundraiser

Please consider participating in our winter fundraiser. Little Caesars offers several options for kits that can be made at home. What a fun way for the kiddos to help in the kitchen and to support our school. All Pizza Kit, Bread Kit and Cookie dough orders are shipped direct to your home via FedEx.

Summer 2025

Summer registration forms and more info about the program will go out the beginning of March. We will have two, three and five-day programs, both half and full day. This is a great time for the children to stay active and continue their academics between school years! The summer offers nautical studies, splash days, field trips, gardening and lots of fun and games!

Class Valentines

Ms. Kristin – 10
Ms. Bre – 10 
Ms. Stacy – 15 
Ms. Aisha – 15
Ms. Jennifer – 15
Ms. Dorothy – 16
Ms. Leigh – 17
Mrs. Withers – 15 
Mrs. Moesta – 16
Mrs. Profilet – 16 
Ms. Paloma -18

What We Are Learning

2’s- Ms. Kristin and Ms. Bre continue to help our youngest children with the exciting process of learning.  The children will explore the concept of opposites as they compare and contrast the world around us!

3’s The three-year-olds go on a safari this month and study the animals at the zoo.  As the month goes by, they become experts on animal features and behavior.  

4’s Our four year old classes are saddled up and moseying along as they learn about horses, cowboys, and rodeos during the Wild West unit.  This is an exciting unit that combines the factual information on horses with delightful stories of the American cowboy.   In keeping with their developmental levels, the fours will enjoy stories and songs about the Wild West.  The unit ends as the children enjoy a “rodeo,” BBMS style!

Pre-K- Ms. Moesta and Ms. Withers will lead the PreK classes in covering the hodgepodge of February–Ground Hog Day, Lincoln and Washington’s Birthdays, and Valentine’s Day.  It’s a great time for the children to learn a bit about our country’s history, the pledge of allegiance, and those anecdotes about George and Abe.  Busy

K- The kindergarten classes take a trip back in time to the age of reptiles to study dinosaurs.  These budding paleontologists learn to identify close to twenty-five dinosaurs before attending a dinosaur hunt at the end of the month.  This is one of our favorite studies, and the children love it.  Much time is also spent working on hand writing, math facts, and the concept of fractions.

Save the Date

  • Feb 3: Registration (New Families) 
  • Feb 14: Valentine’s Day 
  • Feb 17: Presidents’ Day- SCHOOL CLOSED 
  • Feb 26th: Last Day for Pizza Fundraiser
  • March 3: Summer Registration
  • April 3-4: Public School Closed – Regular Hours for BBMS!
  • April 8-9: Class and Individual Pictures 
  • April 14-18: Spring Break- SCHOOL CLOSED 
  • April 29, 30 and May 1: Spring Music Programs
  • May 5-9: Teacher Appreciation Week
  • May 21: Conference Day- ALL DAY students Only
  • May 27: Memorial Day- SCHOOL CLOSED 
  •  June 12: Kindergarten Graduation 
  •  June 14: Last Day of the school year