
Greenbrier Manor Newsletter February ’25

February ’25
Director’s Desk

February may be the shortest month, but it is also the busiest. With Valentine’s Day, two president’s birthdays, and Ground Hog Day, February always promises excitement.

Registration: Registration for next year is progressing nicely. It is satisfying to know that so many of you are pleased with GMS’s program. Thank you for all your support and cooperation. Without your smiles and encouragement my job would be so difficult. Instead, it’s a joy! Openings are still available in some of our classes even though registration is now open to the public. If you intend to register your child for next year and haven’t yet done so, I strongly urge you to turn in your registration forms immediately. The only way to ensure a place next year is to turn in the registration form while spaces are still available. The registration fee will be billed on Brightwheel.

Many of you have asked questions about our kindergarten program. We realized that when most of you initially register at GMS we go into detail about our three-year-old program or the four-year-old program, but often kindergarten comes as a wonderful surprise. Our kindergarten program continues the phonics instruction that began in the four-year-old program. It includes a very strong short vowel reading, writing, and spelling curriculum that leads to long vowel usage in the spring. The children learn to recognize and write numbers to 100; they learn math facts to 10, graphing, fraction recognition, and how to count money. The joy of the program, however, is the incredible amount of information the children learn in the unit studies (constellations, musical instruments, dinosaurs, children around the world, the human body, and other very hands-on science studies). The goal is, as always, to enhance their self-esteem. Having so much knowledge about their world gives them tremendous self-confidence. They acquire the skills needed to put them at the top of their first-grade class. Your response so far for next year is gratifying.

The Chesapeake public school bus will drop off students from Greenbrier Primary and Greenbrier Intermediate for afterschool care. Please speak to Elizabeth or me if this plan appeals to you. Sincerely, Jackie


TAX INFORMATION: If you claim the cost of childcare as an expense on your Federal Tax Return, you must include the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). Greenbrier’s TIN is: 87-3864717

Valentine Info

Two Year Olds:
Ms. Erika 11
Ms Karen 11

Three Year Olds:
Ms. Mickey 14
Ms. Alicia 14
Ms. Adrieen 14

Four Year Olds:
Ms. Meg 14
Ms. Cindi 14
Ms Kelly 13

Pre-K: Ms. Michelle 14

Kindergarten: Ms. Garlow 14

Valentine’s Day with its messages of love and friendship is special to children and to Greenbrier Manor School. All classes exchange valentines and have a party on Friday, February 14th except Ms Erika will exchange valentines and have their party on Thursday, February 13th. Enclosed is a list with the number of children in each class. On February 13th or 14th please send in valentines for each student in your child’s class, and we’ll take care of the rest. The teachers have requested that you NOT “address” the valentines – just sign them with your child’s name. This way the children can easily pass them out.

Please check coats and jackets,
many are similar!


Every little bit helps!

What we are learning

2’s – Ms. Erika and Ms. Karen continue to help our youngest children with the exciting process of learning. Our MDO’s will spend their time enjoying “Fun with Food”. They will make Cinnamon Pretzels, play with dough (and spaghetti), paint with fruit and sample many tasty and healthy treats.

3’s – Our three-year-olds will be introduced to life on the farm. The focus of this unit is farm animals and their products. Although the school doesn’t take field trips, I’d like to suggest a trip to a working dairy farm. The petting zoo at the Virginia Zoo also has many farm animals the children can touch and feed. As the children become more aware of their environment, their curiosity deepens. These studies are designed to help them understand and organize their world.

4’s – The four-year-olds travel to Farmer MacGregor’s Garden. They will study nature from a more imaginary viewpoint. Taking a leap into fantasy, Cindi, Meg, and Kelly introduce the children to the world of Beatrix Potter. After they are thoroughly entranced by Benjamin Bunny, Peter Rabbit, and Jemima Puddle-duck, they have a marvelous English tea party. We have a good bit of fun with this unit while introducing the children to some excellent literature. Because Beatrix Potter’s books are so delightfully illustrated, reading them aloud to your child at home will help reinforce her world in their minds.

PreK – Ms. Michelle’s class cover the hodgepodge of February – Ground Hog Day, Lincoln’s and Washington’s Birthdays, Valentine’s Day and the Chinese New Year. It’s a great time for them to learn a bit of our country’s history, the pledge of allegiance, and those anecdotes about George and Abe. Busy!

K – The kindergarten class finishes rhyming using the stories of Dr. Seuss. Ms. Tracy Garlow introduces the children to the various systems of the human body. They will focus on themselves and learn about our similarities. They begin by studying their skin and work their way through the body systems to the heart (the most important part!).

Save the Date

  • February 17….………………..Presidents Day, School Closed
  • March 11 &12..………………Individual & Class Pictures
  • April 8-10 ………………….Spring Programs
  • April 14-18..……………………Spring Break, School Closed
  • May 9..………………………..Conference Day – No classes (We are open for all day children only)
  • May 26………………………..Memorial Day, School Closed
  • June 6…………………………Kindergarten Graduation @ 9:15
  • June 13………………………..Last Day of School
  • June 16-20……………………Greenbrier Manor Closed
  • June 23-Aug 15………………..Summer programs ( Summer preregistration will start in March)
  • August 18-22…………………Greenbrier Manor Closed
  • August 25-29….………………Open for all Day Care Only
  • Sept 2…………………………Fall programs begin